Gallery of wooden garden furniture and garden furniture - Čemažar wood fancy goods
Wooden garden furniture consists of gluing and screwing with stainless screws which are also imperceptible, and thus the garden furniture has a nice, professional appearance and are very solid that will surely not break or stun you. width, length, color, engraving…). We also stock wooden garden furniture in our salon at the company headquarters: Gorenji Novaki 29, 5282 Cerkno, by prior arrangement at: 041-365139 Darko
Čemažar wooden garden sets are designed for outdoor use such as terraces, balconies, courtyards, and various farm rooms. The upper surfaces of the benches and tables are lacquered so that they do not allow water to enter the wood. Wooden garden furniture can also be deeply impregnated at the request of the client, which means that they are more suitable for open spaces but are not so aesthetically pleasing.
Given the years of experience and vision of wooden garden furniture in competition or stores, we are also very favorable in terms of quality, comfort and appearance of wooden garden furniture.
Production of wooden garden seating sets of quality spruce boards, which are 7 cm thick (wooden solid furniture eight) and 10cm (wooden solid furniture weekend). The massive wooden garden furniture has a 3cm oak wood base below, so that it is not damaged by movement and is also water resistant and does not draw moisture from the floor into the wood.
Wooden garden furniture
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Outdoor outdoor furniture prolongs your life if you dry it in the winter or cover it well.